

A Strategic Approach to IT Sourcing: Which Type Are You?

Persona 1  The Quality Optimizer Persona 2 The Cost Reducer Persona 3 The Flexibility Maximizer Persona 4 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In this article, I explore three distinct IT sourcing personas, each designed to align with specific organizational needs. The key to success lies in understanding your company’s unique challenges and […]

A Strategic Approach to IT Sourcing: Which Type Are You? Read More »

Retail Heavyweight: How $3.5M Investment became $1.5M Annual Savings

Skyrocketed Efficiency Transforming Cloud Operations: How We Translated $3.5M Investment into $1.5M Annual Savings Cost Saving or profit? We are excited to share with you a truly transformational journey we embarked upon with an online retail customer, illustrating the powerful results of strategic thinking and effective collaboration. The challenge was significant. The retailer had an

Retail Heavyweight: How $3.5M Investment became $1.5M Annual Savings Read More »

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